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Chair in Immune Cell Communication

Professor Dietmar M.W. Zaiss, PhD

German Version

Research Interests

The overarching aim of our research is to understand how local immune responses are orchestrated to maintain tissue homeostasis under inflammatory conditions. Specifically, we want to understand the crosstalk of tissue resident immune cells and the surrounding tissue and to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms by which pro- and anti-inflammatory stimuli determine the outcome of local immune responses. Deficiencies in local immune regulation often lead to inflammation-associated diseases, such as fibrotic diseases, atherosclerosis or arthritis, as well as to auto-immune diseases or allergies. Thus, a better understanding of the fundamental mechanisms that regulate local immune responses are of central importance in order to find more efficient ways of treating such diseases.

Together with researchers from the University Hospital Regensburg and from the Leibnitz Institute for Immunotherapy?we intend to use this knowledge to develop novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of inflammation-associated diseases.


2021 - current? ? Chair for Immune Cell Communication, University Hospital Regensburg / Institute of Immune Medicine, Regensburg, Germany

2017 - 2023? ? Reader in Immunology, University of Edinburgh / Institute of Immunology and Infection Research

2013 - 2017?? ?Lecturer in Immunology and Chancellor's Fellow, University of Edinburgh / Institute of Immunology and Infection Research

2006 - 2013?? ?Group Leader, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Immunology)

2002 - 2005?? ?Post-Doc, University of Rochester, NY, USA- Dr. Tim Mosmann (Immunology)

1996 - 2000?? ?Ph.D., Humboldt University, Berlin - Dr. P-M. Kloetzel (Cell Biology)

1993 - 1996?? ?M.Sc. Syracuse University, NY, USA - Dr. John Belote (Cell and Molecular Biology)





Google Scholar:

Most prominent publications:

Zaiss DM*, Pearce EJ, Artis D, McKenzie AN, & Klose CS* (2023) Cooperation of ILC2s and Th2 cells in the expulsion of intestinal helminth parasites. Nat Rev Immunol.

du Halgouet A, Darbois A, Alkobtawi M, Mestdagh M, Alphonse A, Premel V, Yvorra T, Colombeau L, Rodriguez R, Zaiss D, El Morr Y, Bugaut H, Legoux F, Perrin L, Aractingi S, Golub R, Lantz O, Salou M. (2023) Role of MR1-driven signals and amphiregulin on the recruitment and repair function of MAIT cells during skin wound healing. Immunity 56:78-92.

Minutti CM, Modak RV, Macdonald F, Li F, Smyth DJ, Dorward DA, Blair N, Husovsky C, Muir A, Giampazolias E, Dobie R, Maizels RM, Kendall TJ, Griggs DW, Kopf M, Henderson NC, Zaiss DM*. (2019) A Macrophage-Pericyte Axis Directs Tissue Restoration via Amphiregulin-Induced Transforming Growth Factor Beta Activation. Immunity 50:645-654

Zaiss DM* & Coffer PJ* (2018) Forkhead box transcription factors as context-dependent regulators of immune homeostasis. Nat Rev Immunol. 18: 703-15

Minutti CM, Blair N, Schwartz C, Drube S, Kamradt T, Sibilia M, Sijts AJ, Fallon PG, Maizels RM, Zaiss DM*. (2017) Epidermal growth factor receptor expression licenses Th2 cells to function in a TCR-independent way. Immunity 47:710-722

Minutti CM, Jackson-Jones LH, García-Fojeda B, Logan N, Rinqvist E, Guillamat-Prats R, Artigas A, Stamme C, Chroneos ZC, Zaiss DM, Casals C*, Allen JE.* (2017) Local amplifiers of IL-4Rα-mediated macrophage activation promote repair in lung and liver. Science 356: 1076-8

Zaiss DM*, Gause WC*, Osborne LC, Artis D* (2015) Emerging functions of Amphiregulin in orchestrating immunity, inflammation, and tissue repair. Immunity 42: 216-26

Zaiss DM*., van Loosdregt J., Gorlani A., Bekker CJ., Gr?ne A., Sibilia M., van Bergen en Henegouwen PM., Roovers RC, Coffer PJ, Sijts AJ. (2013) Amphiregulin enhances regulatory T cell suppressive function via the epidermal growth factor receptor. Immunity 38: 275-28

van Loosdregt J., Fleskens V., Tiemessen MM., van Boxtel R., Mokry M., Meerding J., Pals CE., Kurek D., Baert MR., Delemarre EM., Gr?ne A., Sijts AJ., Maurice MM., van Es JH., ten Berge D., Staal FJ., Zaiss DM., Prakken BJ., and Coffer PJ.* (2013) Canonical Wnt signaling negatively modulates T regulatory cell function. Immunity 39: 298-310

van Loosdregt J., Fleskens V., Fu J., Brenkman AB., Bekker CJ., Pals CE., Meerding J., Berkers CR., Barbi J., Gr?ne A., Sijts AJ., Maurice MM., Kalkhoven E., Prakken BJ., Ovaa H., Pan F., Zaiss DM., and Coffer PJ.* (2013) USP7/HAUSP mediated stabilization of FoxP3 increases Treg suppressive capacity. Immunity 39: 259-271

Zaiss DM, Yang L, Shah PR, Kobie JJ, Urban JF, Mosmann TR.* (2006) Amphiregulin, a TH2 cytokine enhancing resistance to nematodes. Science 314:1746.

Schubert D, Schmidt M, Zaiss D, Jungblut P, Kamradt T.* (2002) Autoantibodies against GPI and creatine kinase in rheumatoid arthritis. Nature Immunol. ?3: 411