Chair of Internal Medicine I
Theme: | CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing and characterization of the p53 family |
Supervisor: | PD Dr. Karsten Gülow |
Start: | February 2019 |
Thesis: | ldentification of molecular characteristics of CNS-seeking cancer cells |
Supervision: | Prof.?Dr. Christoph Klein |
Graduation: | July 2024 |
Thesis: | Histologische und molekulare Charakterisierung von TSPO Anreicherungen im humanen Hirngewebe |
Supervision: | Prof. Dr. Markus J. Riemenschneider |
Graduation: | June 2024 |
Thesis: | The role of TSPO in T-cell immune control of Glioblastoma |
Supervision: | Prof. Dr. Peter Hau |
Graduation: | April 2024 |
Thesis: | Untersuchungen zum Dimethylfumarat-induzierten Zelltod in soliden Tumoren und die Auswirkung von Fumars?ureestern auf die Migration maligner Zellen |
Supervisor: | PD Dr. Karsten Gülow |
Graduation: | February 2024 |
Thesis: | Characterization of sncRNA7SL in neuroblastoma cell lines |
Supervision: | PD Dr. Gunhild Sommer |
Graduation: | November 2023 |
Thesis: | Pathogenic, Prognostic, and Therapeutic Role of Fucosylation in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Diego Calvisi |
Graduation: | May 2023 |
Thesis: | Molekulare Untersuchung des Einflusses der Proteinkinase C auf die osteogene Differenzierung von dentalen Follikelzellen |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Christian Morsczeck |
Graduation: | April 2023 |
Thesis: | The Effects of Genetic Variant rs704 in the VTN Gene on the Pathobiology of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Bernhard Weber |
Graduation: | January 2023 |
Thesis: | Retinal Organoid Differentiation, Characterization and Adaptation as a Model for Retinitis Pigmentosa |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Bernhard Weber |
Graduation: | November 2022 |
Thesis: | Regulation von PD-L1 und dessen zellintrinsische Funktion für die Vermittlung von Radioresistenz im Kopf-Hals-Tumor |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Dr. Tobias Ettl |
Graduation: | December 2020 |
Thesis: | Beeinflussung des mitochondrialen Apoptoseweges durch hyperosmotischen Stress in Kombination mit BCL-2 Inhibitoren und durch die dualtoxisch wirksame Substanz Raptinal |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Martin Ehrenschwender |
Graduation: | July?2020 |
Thesis: | Evaluation of geno- and phenotypic alterations in Luminal B breast cancer using tumor mice (TM) and humanized tumor mice (HTM) |
Supervisor: | PD Dr. Anja Kathrin Wege |
Graduation: | July?2020 |
Thesis: | Influence of components of the metabolic syndrome on development and progression of hepatocelullar carcinoma |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Claus Hellerbrand |
Graduation: | June?2020 |
Thesis: | Metformin as adjuvant therapy for glioma |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Peter Hau |
Graduation: | May?2020 |
Thesis: | Spontan bakterielle Peritonitis – Mechanismen der Pathogenese Eine neue Funktion der p53 Familie in der bakteriellen Abwehr |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Martina Müller-Schilling |
Graduation: | Mai 2020 |
Thesis: | Development of a Flow Injection Analysis Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry (FIA-FTMS) Method to Quantify Lipid Species Profiles of Biological Samples |
Supervisor: | PD Dr. Gerhard Liebisch |
Graduation: | September 2019 |
Thesis: | IDH mutations as immune target and their effect on dendritic cell differentiation and metabolism |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Herr |
Graduation: | January 2019 |
Thesis: | Zellul?re und molekulare Analyse von BMP6 in der Entstehung und Progression des malignen Melanoms |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Anja Katrin Bosserhoff |
Graduation: | November 2018 |
Thesis: | Interaktion zwischen osteoarthrotischen artikul?ren Knorpel-/subchondralen Knochenexplantaten und humanen Chondrozyten/mesenchymalen Stammzellen |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Susanne Gr?ssel |
Graduation: | August 2018 |
Thesis: | HLA-DP-spezifische T-Zell-Rezeptoren als Immuntherapeutika zur Behandlung der akuten myeloischen Leuk?mie |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Herr |
Graduation: | July?2018 |
Thesis: | Chromatin Control by the Human Cytomegalovirus?Immediate-Early 1 Protein |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Michael Nevels |
Graduation: | March?2018 |
Thesis: | Studies on the Interaction between Retinoschisin and the Retinal Na/K ATPase - Towards Elucidating the Molecular Pathomechanism of X-linked Juvenile Retinoschisis |
Graduation: | Prof. Dr. Bernhard Weber |
Graduation: | February 2018 |
Thesis: | Therapeutischer Effekt regulatorischer T-Zellen des Spenders in der Graft-versus-Host-Erkrankung nach allogener Stammzelltransplantation |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Matthias Edinger |
Graduation: | November 2017 |
Thesis: | Die Rolle von MicroRNAs in Tumorentstehung und -progression |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Anja Katrin Bosserhoff |
Graduation: | April 2017 |
Thesis: | Untersuchung der molekularen Valproins?ure-Effekte auf Gliom-Zellen |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Markus J. Riemenschneider |
Graduation: | January?2017 |
Thesis: | Funktionelle Charakterisierung von antimikrobiellen Peptiden in Entzündungsreaktionen |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Thomas Hehlgans |
Graduation: | December 2016 |
Thesis: | Analysis of the Immune Cell Infiltrates and Biomarkers during acute Gastrointestinal Graft vs Host Disease |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Ernst Holler |
Graduation: | December 2016 |
Thesis: | In situ and in vitro profiling of brain tumour initiating cells of high-grade gliomas |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Peter Hau |
Graduation: | May 2016 |
Thesis: | Modulation der zellul?ren Eigenschaften und Osteoklastogenese von Knochenmark-Makrophagen durch Kollagen Typ II-induzierte Arthritis und sympathische Neurotransmitterstimulation |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Susanne Gr?ssel |
Graduation: | April 2016 |
Thesis: | Reproducibility and validity of ultrasound-assessed visceral and subcutaneous body fat and associations with inflammatory parameters and metabolites |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael Leitzmann |
Graduation: | March 2016 |
Thesis: | Enhancing the detection of complex disease loci by new approaches to imputation |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Iris Heid |
Graduation: | March 2016 |
Thesis: | Funktionelle Aspekte von Kollagen XVI und seiner NC-11 Dom?ne bei der Progression des oralen Plattenzellkarzinoms |
Supervisor: | PD Dr. Richard Bauer |
Graduation: | September 2015 |
Thesis: | Methods to investigate gene-strata interaction in genome-wide association meta-analyses on the example of obesity |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Iris Heid |
Graduation: | August 2015 |
Thesis: | Der Einfluss des sensiblen Neurotransmitters SP und des sympathischen Nervensystems auf die enchondrale Ossifikation im Verlauf der Frakturheilung und auf die allgemeine Knochenstruktur in vivo und in vitro |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Susanne Gr?ssel |
Graduation: | July 2015 |
Thesis: | Analysen zum Einfluss spezifischer Kapsidmutationen auf den CypA-abh?ngigen Replikationsph?notyp von HIV-1 |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Bernd Salzberger |
Graduation: | June 2015 |
Thesis: | Die Rolle des Transkriptionsfaktors ZBTB16 bei der osteogenen Differenzierung dentaler Follikelzellen |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Gottfried Schmalz |
Graduation: | March 2015 |
Thesis: | Evaluation der molekularen Mechanismen von DLX3 in dentalen Follikel-Vorl?uferzellen |
Supervisor: | PD Dr. Christian Morsczeck |
Graduation: | March 2015 |
Thesis: | Molekularbiologische und funktionelle Charakterisierung der von Maspin regulierten Gene DUSP4 (MKP-2) und IQGAP2 im kolorektalen Karzinom |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dietmaier |
Graduation: | September 2014 |
Thesis: | Strategien zur Vorhersage der Therapieantwort bei Sunitinib behandelten Tumor-initiierenden Vorl?uferzellen des malignen Glioms |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Peter Hau |
Graduation: | September 2014 |
Thesis: | UV-B Strahlung induzierte Singulett-Sauerstoff Erzeugung durch angeregte endogene Photosensibilisatoren und deren Bedeutung bei zellul?ren Aktivierungsmechanismen |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang B?umler |
Graduation: | July 2014 |
Thesis: | Die Charakterisierung myeloider Suppressorzellen im Modell der experimentellen Leishmaniose |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Uwe Ritter |
Graduation: | June 2014 |
Thesis: | Die Pathogenit?t RORγt-abh?ngiger Th17-Lymphozyten für das Kolitis-assoziierte kolorektale Karzinom |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Stefan Fichtner-Feigl |
Graduation: | May 2014 |
Thesis: | Die Rolle von Repellentfaktoren und Zelladh?sionsmolekülen bei der Aufrechterhaltung von Gewebekompartimentgrenzen bei RA und OA |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Anja Bosserhoff |
Graduation: | May 2014 |
Thesis: | The role of keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) in fibrosing disorders of the skin |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Anja Bosserhoff |
Graduation: | December 2012 |
Thesis: | Interoperable Architectures for Advanced Health Information Systems |
Supervisor: | Prof. Dr. Bernd Blobel |
Graduation: | December 2009 |