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Fakulty of Mathematics

Workshop "PDEs for surfaces and Interfaces"

March 7-9, 2022, University of Regensburg

PDEs for surfaces and interfaces

Partial differential equations defined on surfaces play an important role in mathematics and in applications in the natural and engineering sciences. The workshop focuses on PDEs describing the evolution of an interface, on vector- and tensor-valued surface PDEs, and on PDEs on surfaces that are coupled to bulk equations. The workshop addresses modeling, analysis as well as numerics of PDEs for surfaces and interfaces.

The workshop is organized by the DFG Research Unit 3013 Vector- and Tensor-Valued Surface PDEs and the DFG Research Training Group Interfaces, ComplexStructures and Singular Limits. In the second half of the same week there is a workshop on Mathematical Methods for Complex Phenomena (https://spp2256.ur.de/events/meetings/mathematical-methods-for-complex-phenomena), organised by the SPP 2256 and GRK 2339.

The conference will cover in particular the following topics:

  • Fluid flow involving interfaces and surfaces
  • Geometric evolution equations
  • Dynamic boundary conditions
  • Active surfaces
  • Vector and tensor valued PDEs
  • Anisotropy
  • Phase transitions


  • Elena Bacchini (TU Dresden)
  • S?ren Bartels (Universit?t Freiburg)
  • Luise Blank (Universit?t Regensburg)
  • Mirco Bonati (TU Dresden)
  • Martin Doss (FAU Erlangen)
  • Harald Garcke (Universit?t Regensburg)
  • Balázs Kovács (Universit?t Regensburg)
  • Veit Krause (TU Dresden)
  • Stefan Metzger (FAU Erlangen)
  • Simon Praetorius (TU Dresden)
  • Marco Salvalaglio (TU Dresden)
  • Paul Schwering (RWTH Aachen)
  • Axel Voigt (TU Dresden)
  • Lucas Wittwer (HTW Dresden)
  • Quan Zhao (Universit?t Regensburg)

Organizers: Harald Garcke (Regensburg), Balázs Kovács (Regensburg), Axel Voigt (Dresden)

For the workshop 3G-rules apply, see Corona Regulations

Workshop "PDEs for Surfaces and Interfaces"
