E-Mail: ausweis.ub@bibliothek.uni-regensburg.de
Phone: +49 (0)941 943-3944, Fax: +49 (0)941 943-1939
Room: 5.30 Central Library (Information Center)
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10:00 - 12:30 and by arrangement
Students of the University of Regensburg
The student-ID is also your library card.
University and Hospital Staff
Please complete the Library card application for employees (accessible only within the university network) and attach your employment contract. Civil servants include the accompanying letter of their certificate.
The library card will be sent by in-house mail.
Library card renewals are possible by e-mail: ausweis.ub@ur.de
You can also use licensed e-media without a library card. Log in with your Computer Center account on a university computer, the WiFi "eduroam" or via VPN.
External users
External users, for example members of the OTH Regensburg, pupils and other interested persons, are kindly asked to complete the Application for a library card for external users .
The library card is free of charge. We will inform you about the collection.
Renewal of the library card is possible by e-mail ausweis.ub@ur.de and on site at the information desk (opening hours).
You can use licensed e-media on a computer in the Information Center.
Please inform us immediately about your address change or the loss of your library card.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Library Card