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Exchange Students

General Information on Erasmus

Information for application and course offer:

International Office

Information for application

Information for Erasmus students

Information about the Law Courses for Exchange Students

Below you can find the law courses offered by the Faculty of Law?with information about its contents and ECTS credits to get.

You can also find the information on the website of the International Students Office.

  • Special Classes for International Students
  • Civil Law
  • Public Law
  • Criminal Law
  • General Subjects
  • Specialisations

Latest compilation of all offered courses with a short explanation

Courses Taught in English at the Faculty of Law


The Faculty of Law uses the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), where each course is assigned a credit rating reflecting the number of weekly contact hours. Students achieve 2 credits for one hour per week. (Eg. Introduction to German Civil Law for International Students: 2 hpw -> 4 credits).

Exchange students are usually required to complete a minimum of 30 credits.

Credits are achieved by examination in each course. The date and place of the exam will be announced by the tutor.

The type of exam for exchange students often differs from the exam for regular (German) students. The examination can either be written or oral. Which type of exam is provided to exchange students , is at the tutor's discretion.

12 credits can be achieved by participation in a "Seminar". Every participant has to produce an assignment which has to be defended in an oral presentation in front of the seminar group.

2 extra credits are granted for taking the regular exam intended for German students.

Course Types

  • Lecture (Vorlesung): A lecture is characterized by a large number of students and a monologue presentation from the lecturer. During the lessons, it is usually only the lecturer doing the talking, but sometimes he asks something and/or students give some comments/ have questions. Usually students have the possibility to sit an exam (normally written/ for incoming students sometimes oral). A lecture is composed of one or two sessions a week, normally 1-2 hours each.
  • Colloquium: A colloquium is pretty similar to a lecture. Important differences are the course size, which is limited to a certain number of students, and a higher level of participation expected from the students. Colloquiums are more similar to school lessons than lectures. You can learn how to deal with a judicial case, depending on the subject and the professor's programme.
  • Practical Lessons/Tutorials (?bungen): These lessons are designed to prepare for written exams. Students collaborate with professors to solve judicial cases. At the end of the semester there is a written exam.
  • Seminars (Seminare): Seminars are lessons in which students are expected to collaborate. Every participant is assigned a subject to present. He/she gets approx. 6 weeks to prepare a 20-minute presentation. At the end of the semester the student gets a certificate with a grade.

Courses taught in English

Non-German speaking exchange students can earn a full credit load of 30 ECTS per semester at our faculty (or in related courses of neighboring faculties) in English. The following lectures are usually offered.


  • Law of International Relations - Prof. Dr. Uerpmann-Wittzack (4 credits)
  • International Law and Politics (What makes International Law international? From empirical examples to different theoretical dimensions.) - Dr. Wittke (4 credits)
  • Arbitration Law - Prof. Dr. Herresthal (2 credits)
  • Human Rights in the Movies - Prof. Dr. Graser (4 credits)
  • Introduction to European Law / Master European Studies - Prof. Dr. Graser (4 credits)
  • Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure - Dr. Jugl (4 credits)


  • Law of International Relations - Prof. Dr. Uerpmann-Wittzack (1-2 credits depending on module)


  • European and Comparative Constitutional Law - Prof. Dr. Arnold (12 Credits)

For the current program, please refer to https://spur.uni-regensburg.de and change the language to English by clicking the British Flag. Then click on "Courses", then on "Course overview" and then on "Courses taught in English". You should end up here.

Contact Persons

Responsibilities for Erasmus students and international students of the Faculty of Law regarding questions about studying abroad, support before and during the stay abroad in Regensburg with regard to all study contents such as course selection, course offers and registration for courses and examinations of the Faculty of Law


Simon Hegemann

Erasmus advice - questions on course program

Room: RW(S) 0.23

E-Mail: erasmus.mail@jura.uni-regensburg.de

Consultation hours possible by arrangement


Dr. Petra Fexer

Coordinator for degree programs - signing of learning agreements

Room: RW(S) 002


Phone: +49 941 943 2671

Welcome meeting for all exchange students of the faculty of Law with a guided tour of the campus at the beginning of the respective semester abroad.

  1. Faculty

Faculty of Law