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Office Hours

during lecture period - during semester break: please contact us by phone or email to make an appointment


Office / Sekretariat:

Monday to Wednesday: 9 – 11 am and by appointment, PT 3.3.73
on Thursdays please contact us by phone or email

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OStR Christian Aigner

Prof. Dr. Jan Beck

OStR Dr. Johannes Buhl

Wiss. Mitarb. Ulrich Ebnet

StR i. K. Simon Fr?bus

Dr. Annedore Gro?

Akad. ORat Dr. Andreas Hagmaier?

Akad. ORat Dr. Rainer Held

StR Martin Hofschuster

StD Harald Kloiber

StR Dr. Bernhard Paul

StRin Dr. Stefanie Paul



PT 3.3.72

PT 3.3.74

PT 3.3.72

PT 3.3.82

PT 3.3.72

PT 3.3.72

PT 3.3.71

PT 4.3.01

PT 3.3.72

PT 3.3.87

PT 3.3.72

PT 3.3.72



by appointment

by appointment

by appointment

Wed 10-11 am and
by appointment

by appointment

by appointment

Thu 10-11 am and
by appointment

Fri 9-10 am and
by appointment

by appointment

by appointment

by appointment

by appointment



Inschrift Ausschnitt Sr

  1. Faculty of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Chair of Latin Philology


Institute OF
Classical Philology

Universit?tsstr. 31          
D-93053 Regensburg /PaRCEL
D-93040 Regensburg /LETTER

PHONE    0941 943-3396
fax         0941 943-1980