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Lab equipment

When it comes to research and teaching we believe that professional equipment is essential.

Therefore we offer our students and staff stationary and also mobile devices.

Kitchen Laboratory / Smart Oven

As part of the course "Algorithms for Human-Machine Interaction" by Prof. Dr. Bernd Ludwig, a smart oven was installed in the artists' dressing room of the Audimax. In various projects, experiments can be carried out there that deal with how assistance in the kitchen can be improved. For example, webcams can be used in these experiments to track eye movements during cooking.

Navigation Belt

The Chair of Information Science uses "naviBelt", a navigation belt from feelSpace, for research purposes in the field of geographic information science (GIS). This belt expands user senses by always projecting north onto the waist. It can also be used in the context of Virtual Reality. ?


Mobile Robots: Robotino and Thymio

We introduce our students to the principles of robotics by drawing on two educational robot systems: Robotino and Thymio. Students learn vividly in our project-based seminars by letting a robot move along a line or cover a certain distance.

Stationary Eye Tracker

Eye tracking experiments have a long-standing history at the academic Chair of Information Science. To have the best experimental conditions, we ensure a clear physical separation between researcher and subject during stationary eye tracking experiments.

Mobile Eye Tracker

We offer our staff and students a mobile eye tracker and a laptop which is equipped with software for field experiments.

Augumented Reality Glasses (AR Glasses)

The Chair of Information Science owns a “Microsoft HoloLens” which allows the user to mix virtual elements with reality.

Microphone Array

If you are interested in conducting experiments revolving around natural language processing: The Chair of Information Science has a microphone array which can be used for speech recognition and dialog.

Equipment for Interview Studies

The Chair of Information?Science provides professional equipment for interview studies.
The software “f4transkript” and five USB- foot switches “Science II” are part of this and ensure professional and quick interview transcription. Our students and academic chair team have also access to the software “f4analyse” to analyze interview data computer assisted.

Future Interaction Lab (FIL)

We maintain, with the Chair of Media Informatics, the FIL. The spacious lab is ideal to conduct usability tests.

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Information Science



Students conduct an eye tracking experiment.