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Welcome to the Website of the Chair of Information Science in Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany!

We in a Nutshell

We explore, teach, and support diverse aspects of human information behavior. In doing so, we cover a broad thematic and methodological spectrum both in research and teaching. Our research topics range from assistance systems, such as search engines and recommender systems, to chatbots and conversational search to information ethics and we use technical, quantitative, and qualitative methods to investigate our diverse research topics.

Our Philosophy: Practice-Oriented Research and Research-Led Teaching

Information Science at the University of Regensburg stands for breaking barriers: We combine teaching with research. This gives our students the opportunity to work on the latest topics around technology, information, and people.
And that's not all: We also break down the barriers between academia and industry by joining forces with companies and turning our research into ready-to-use applications. This makes our research even more socially relevant and makes it also easier for our students to reach their career goals.

Our People

  • 16 academic and administrative staff
  • a total of 202 undergraduate and postgraduate students

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Information Science