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Visiting Lectures

Over the years, the following scholars have visited
our Department and Research Group to give lectures:


May 11: Dr. Sven Leukert (TU Dresden)

"The Multilingual History of Mountaineering English"

November 10: Dr. Raymund Vitorio (MPI & De La Salle)

"Heritage Tourism and Postcolonial Performativity:
English in Contact and Resistance"


June 1: Dr. Sandra Kotzor (Oxford & LMU Munich)

"Processing in L2 acquisition and L1 attrition: examples from morphology and phonology"

June 28: Dr. Sofia Rüdiger (Bamberg)

"Challenges and Opportunities in Investigating East Asian Englishes - The Case of South Korea"

July 6: Miriam Neuhausen (Freiburg)

"‘Like [?]at on earth would you want to do?’ — A Third Wave approach to language change in Pennsylvania German English in southern Ontario, Canada"


June 2: Dr. Ole Schützler (Universit?t Bamberg)

"Concessive constructions in English: Diachronic and cross-varietal perspectives"

June 9: Prof. Dr. Miriam Meyerhoff (Victoria University of Wellington)

"Sweet so: An overview of Bequia English from the Eastern Caribbean"


July 2: Prof. Dr. Andy Kirkpatrick (Griffith University, Brisbane)

"Recent developments in language education policy in SE Asia: implications for English and the linguistic ecology"

July 9: Dr. Alison Edwards (University of Cambridge)

"'I keep my Dutch accent on purpose': Agency and resistance in Continental European English."


April 24: Prof. Dr. Ingrid Piller (Macquarie University, Sydney)

"'Everyone speaks English these days!' Is it still worth learning other languages in tourism?"

June 26: Prof. Dr. Manfred Krug (Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg)

"Questionnaire-based surveys and typological profiling for varieties of English around the world"?


June 06:?Prof. Dr. Wolfram Bublitz (Universit?t Augsburg)

"'They talk about me like a dog’ –?The pragmatics of quoting now and then"


May 03:?Prof. Dr. Isabel Pefianco Martin (Ateneo de Manila University, Manila, The Philippines)

"Circles within circles: Are Filipino speakers ready to accept Philippine English?"

June 19:?Sebastian Hoffmann (University of Trier)

"Compiling and analysing a historical corpus of Singapore English"


May 24:?Prof. Dr. Daniel Schreier (University of Zurich)

"Language in the Diaspora: Sociolinguistic perspectives"

July 28:?Prof. Dr. Aloysius Ngefac (University of Yaoundé I / University of Regensburg)

"The dynamics of Kamtok"

December 09:?Prof. Dr. Lionel Wee (National University of Singapore)

"A 'handicap' in Singapore's language policy: Singlish and globalization"


April 29:?Prof. Dr. Ron Butters (Duke University)

"African American English: The Divergence Controversy Revisited"

May 20:?Prof. Dr. Andy Kirkpatrick (Hong Kong Institute of Education)

"The role of English in ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations) and implications for language teaching"

June 28:?Prof. Dr. Geoffrey Leech (University of Lancaster)

"Recent and current grammatical change in English"

July 1: Prof. Christiane M. Bongartz and Sarah Buschfeld (University of Cologne)

"Investigating Cyprus English: historical development, role & linguistic features"

July 8:?Prof. Dr. David Deterding (University of Brunei Darussalam / Regensburg)

"Brunei English or English in Brunei?"


May 7:?Prof. Dr. Manfred Markus (University of Innsbruck)

"Features of spokenness in English dialects"

May 25:?Prof. Dr. Rajend Mesthrie (University of Cape Town)

"An oral sociolinguistics corpus of South African English"

July 2:?Prof. Dr. Allan Bell (Auckland University of Technology / Regensburg)

"The Sociolinguistics of Voice"


Prof. Bill Kretzschmar (University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia)

"Black and White speech in Atlanta"


Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee (Justus Liebig University Gie?en, Germany)

"Steady States in the Evolution of New Englishes: Present-Day Indian English as an Equilibrium"


Prof. Allan Bell (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand)

Prof. Jeff Siegel (Armidale, Hawai'i)

"In praise of the cafeteria principle: Language mixing in Hawai'i creole"

Prof. Dr. Susanne Mühleisen (University of Bayreuth, Germany)

"Simultaneity and ambiguity in word formation patterns with -ee: a diachronic perspective"


Prof. Natalie Schilling-Estes (Georgetown University, Washington, DC)

"Dialect change and preservation in Smith Island, Maryland, USA"

Prof. Jeff Siegel (University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu)

"Covert Decreolization in Hawai'i Creole English"

Prof. Janet Holmes (Victoria Univarsity of Wellington, New Zealand)

"Language in the Workplace"


Susanne Wagner (University of Freiburg, Germany)

"Gender in English - old and new news"

Prof. Laurie Bauer (University of Wellington, New Zealand)

"Can we watch dialects growing? ?Emerging regionalsisms in New Zealand children's English"

Dr. Stephanie Hackert (University of Heidelberg, Germany)

"Bahamian Creole English: Sociolinguistic and linguistic perspectives"


Prof. Dr. Manfred G?rlach (University of K?ln, Germany)

"Varieties of Early Modern English"

Prof.?Dr.?Kingsley Bolton (University of Hong Kong,?Leiter des Forschungsprojekts "International Corpus of English - Hong Kong)

"Research on Asian Englishes, with reference to Hong Kong, China, and the Phillipines"
(supported by the Regensburger Universit?tsstiftung Hans Vielberth)

Prof.?Dr.?Elizabeth Gordon (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)

"The birth of a new variety of English - looking for the origins of New Zealand English"


Prof. Dr. Thiru Kandiah (University of Colombo, Sri Lanka)

"Conceptualising the forms and functions of English in a post-colonial setting:?A view from Sri Lanka"

Prof. Dr. Peter Patrick (University of Essex, UK)

"Sociolinguistic variation in Jamaican Creole and English"

Prof. Dr. William Kretzschmar (University of Athens, Georgia)

"Linguistic geography and historical linguistics"

Prof. Dr. Ingo Plag (University of Siegen, Germany)

  • "Epenthesis, deletion and the emergence of the optimal syllable in creole"

  • "Morphological productivity across speech and writing"


Prof. Dr. J.K. Chambers (University of Toronto, Canada)

"Mass media and mass literacy in language change"

Prof. Dr. Augustin Simo Bobda (University of Yaounde I, Kameroon)

"English and Pidgin in Cameroon today"

Prof. Dr. John Singler ( New York University)

"The configuration of Liberia's Englishes"

Prof.?Dr.?Steven J. Nagle (University of Wien, Austria, and Coastal Carolina University) and?Prof. Dr. Sarah L. Sanders (Coastal Carolina University)

"What is political correctness doing to the English Language?"

Volker Hegelheimer ( Iowa State University)

"CALL (Computer-Aided Language Learning): Past, present, future (web-based call)"

Prof. Dr. Patricia Cukor-Avila (University of North Texas)

"Social and linguistic change among African-Americans in rural Texas"


Prof. Dr. Thomas Herbst

"A valency dictionary of English syntax:?Corpus analysis and users"

Dr. Robert McColl Millar

  • Lecture:?"The lesser-used languages of Europe,?with especial focus on the Scottish linguistic situation"

  • Seminar: "The development of the English definite article: A case-study in historical accident"


Prof. Dr. Lawrence M. Davis

"The disappearance of folk vocabulary:?The Case of LAGS and LAMSAS"
(supported by the Regensburger Universit?tsstiftung Hans Vielberth)

Prof. Dr. Salikoko S. Mufwene

"English creoles are English dialects"
(supported by the Regensburger Universit?tsstiftung Hans Vielberth)

Prof. Dr. Bernd Kortmann

"Iconicity in grammar: evidence from adverbial subordination"


Prof. Dr. Josef Schmied

"English in East Africa"


Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jacek Fisiak

"Scandinavian influences on Old English as evidenced by place-names in Domesday Book"
(supported by the Regensburger Universit?tsstiftung Hans Vielberth)

Dr. Laurie Bauer

"Things your dictionary never told you"


Prof. Dr. William A. Kretzschmar

  • "Dimensions of variation in American English vocabulary"

  • "Quantitative analyses of dialect features"
    (supported by the Regensburger Universit?tsstiftung Hans Vielberth)

Prof. Dr. Francis Byrne

"The necessity of serialization in Saramaccan genesis"
(supported by the Regensburger Universit?tsstiftung Hans Vielberth)

Prof. Dr. Dieter Stein

"On the history of inversion in English"


Prof. Dr. Manfred G?rlach

"Variation in Early Modern English"

  1. Faculty of Languages, Literature, and Cultures
  2. Department of English and American Studies