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1. Habilitations (Post-Doctoral Theses)


H. P. "Directives in Media Encounters. A pragmalinguistic study of British English, German and Polish"

2. Doctoral Dissertations


M. P., Media Hype (Working Title)


J. S., "Dubbing Linguistic and/or Cultural Humor from English into German: A Parallel Corpus Analysis of the Comedy Series 'Sex and the City'"


Ch. S., "'And, so Today, a New Season of American Renewal has Begun.' A Critical Metaphor Analysis of NEWNESS in American Presidential Discourse"

3. Final Theses

3.1. M.A. (as a degree, abolished at Regensburg University >> Master)

2011 M. P., "Latin Plurals in English: A Corpus-based Study of Language Change"

2008 K. L., "Who is Responsible for the 'First Genocide of the 21st Century'? A Multimodal Analysis of the PBS Documentary On Our Watch"

F. L., "Rhetoric in the 'War on Terror': President Bush's Selected Speeches from 9/11 to Iraq"

2007 R. S., "Gay Slang - Yesterday and Today"

A. S., "Private chat communication – a study of stylistic features of a new type of discourse"

2006 R. B., "English Youth Slang on its Way into Mainstream - A Corpus-based Study"

2005 J. W., "Language Errors in Academic Papers written by EFL-Students"

V. E., "Exercises in Business English Textbooks: A Comparison"

B., B., "Female Stereotypes in Women's Magazines: A Sociolinguistic Study"

U. T., "Female Stereotypes in British Men's and Women's Magazines"

2004 S. K., "German L2 Learners' Development: A pre-post study of common pitfalls for American English speakers"

S. W., "Strategies of Persuasion in Advertising. A Study on Persuasive Elements in the Language of Contemporary Print Advertisements"

2003 S. M. R., "The Language of Radio Advertising – Sociolinguistic Features as Sales Devices"

2002 S. H., "How to Translate English Infinitival Constructions into German"

S. B., "Metaphors in Print Advertising: A corpus-based Study"

Ch. H., "Gender Stereotypes in Ads: A Study of British Lifestyle Magazines"

M. Sch., "The Names of Heavy Metal Bands: Forms and Concepts"

M. R., "The Textual Dimension Involved-Informational: A corpus-based Study"

2001 J. W., "Language Errors in Academic Papers written by EFL-Students"

G. G., "News Reporting in British Newspapers"

3.2. State Exam



A. L., "Muggles, Muggel or Babbani? Proper Names in the German and Italian Translations of Harry Potter.

M. W. "Cohesion and coherence between headline and lead of two types of broadsheet newspapers"

K. H., "Genglish parenting. A case study with German-English bilinguals"

A. Sch., "Recent German words and their institutionalization into English: A study based on BNC, COHA and COCA"

K. L., "Internet Rely Chat and Its Position Between the Poles of Orality and Literacy: A Corpus-based Comparison of IRC and Face-to-face Conversation"

S. K., "Gender sells? Simulating women's and men's talk in advertisements of 'Cosmopolitan' and 'Men's Health'

Ch. K., "How speakers create identity. A corpus-based study of personal reference in the first speeches of American Presidents and British Prime Ministers since 1989"

S. M., "The interaction between gender and language in women's and men's magazines and their contribution to the phenomenon of synthetic personalization"

D. V., "Politeness, Gender and the Sitcom 'Friends'"


M. B., "Patterns of Overlapping Speech in University Office Hour Interactions. A Corpus-Based Study"

C. D., "Anglicisms in the German Regional Daily Newspaper 'Mittelbayerische Zeitung'. A Corpus-based Study"

M. D., "The Chelmsford Accent: A Sociolinguistic Study"

F. E., "Language representation in Australian fiction: linguistic placement of selected novels in the English of Australia by means of key features and Australianisms"

S. F., " The Use of Internet in English Teaching"

K. J., "Media Bias in the Middle East A Discourse Analytical Comparison of the Jerusalem Post and the Arab News"

Ch. K., "Can we Cut the Cheese? – The Dubbing of Humor in the Sitcom 'Two and a Half Men'"Christina Kerscher, " How Leaders Choose to Refer to Themselves and Others"

V. K., "London – Cockney?"

M. P., "Latin Plurals in the English Language: A Corpus- based Study of antenna, cerebrum, octopus and retina from the Introduction to Modern-Day-Usage"

S. P., "Inaugural Speeches. A Multidimensional Analysis"


J. K., "'Oh my God, They Killed the Show!' Possibilities and Limitations within the German Dubbing of South Park"

E. M., "Swine Flu 2009 – The Development of Press Hysteria – A Case Study"

J. St., "Learners' Dictionaries in Bavarian High Schools' Classrooms"

M. W., "Rock'n Roll Damnation: Swearing in Rock Lyrics"


S. B., "Harry Potter and the Proper Names: An Onomastic Analysis of the Harry Potter Series"

Ch. F., "Immersion Language Teaching in Theory and Practice: Benefits and Challenges Regarding its Implementation in the Bavarian Gymnasium"

T. E., "The Dubbing of "Family Guy" into German. An Analysis of Linguistic Aspects"


L. St., "Linguistic Differences Between Children's and Adults' Commercials "

F. L., "Rhetoric in the 'War on Terror': President Bush's Selected Speeches from 9/11 to Iraq"


M. S., "Anglicisms in Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games - The Language of World of Warcraft from a German Perspective"

C. B., "Business E-Mails"

E. G., "Woman Politicians in the Press – A Linguistic Analysis of Newspaper Articles on the Example of Angela Merkel"

K. M., "Eine kritische Periode im schulischen Fremdsprachenunterricht? Studien mit deutschen Realschülern"


R. Z., "The Parlance in Rap Lyrics"

V. L., "Snoop's sexist songs: the portrayal of women in Rap lyrics: a linguistic analysis"

R. B., "English Youth Slang on its Way into Mainstream - A Corpus-based Study"

U. W., "Superman through the ages. The language of superman comics from 1938-2004"

J. S., "Humor in the Comedy Series Sex and the City – A contrastive analysis of the American original version and the dubbed German version"

J. W., "The English Contribution to German and Polish"

U. T., "Female Stereotypes in British Men's and Women's Magazines"

V. D., "Forms of address in the LA Times, The Guardian and The Observer, and the Süddeutsche Zeitung in 2001"

V. E., "Exercises in Business English Textbooks: A Comparison"


M. Sch., "The Names of Heavy Metal Bands: Forms and Concepts"

M. R., "The Textual Dimension Involved-Informational: A corpus-based Study"

A. Sch., "The Language of English and Welsh Law Reports: An Analysis of Lexis"

E. F., "Grammatical Change in Present-Day Australian English"

V. E., "Exercises in Business English Textbooks: A Comparison"


M. D., "Advertising and Social Class: A Syntactic Analysis of British Magazine Advertisements"


B. B., "Spanish Loanwords in the English Language"

H. Sch., "The Ideological Structuring of Reality by the Dominant Discourse: An Analysis of News Accounts on the Middle East Conflict"

K. S., "English and German Job Titles Today: An Empirical Study of Politically Correct and Incorrect Terms in Newspaper Language"

Ch. O., "Techniques of Linguistic Warfare: a Case Study of the Western Presentation of the War against Terrorism"


S. S., "PC or not PC: That's the Question – Are English School Books as Used in Germany Politically Correct?"

D. Z., "Shortenings in the English Computer Language: A corpus-based study of shortenings and of their reception in the English language and the German computer language"

H. A., "Upper-class English in the Fifties and Today: A Sociolinguistic Study of Linguistic Usage"

B. B., "The Classification of Sports Language, and Metaphors as a Stylistic Device in the Language of Mountain Biking"

B. Sch., "A Synchronous multidimensional register analysis of the personal correspondence between Ernest Hemingway and Maxwell Perkins"


D. Sch., "English Terms in German TV Advertisements: A corpus-based Study"

Ch. S., "Ideology in Newspapers - with Special Reference to Articles on the Kosovo Conflict"

D. M., "Political Correctness - History and Influence on Everyday Language"

3.3. Bachelor


J.F. "Gendered language in Cosmopolitan and Maxim: A corpus-based register study"


A. L., "Muggles, Muggle, or Babbani? Proper Names in the German and Italian Translations of 'Harry Potter'"

U.K., Coherence and cohesion in hypertext

A.-S. S., "Code-switching in Advertising: An Investigation of Bilingual and Multilingual Communities

K. G., "Brand names and product names – The creators of myths"

L. Z., "Contrasting L1-English, L1-German und L1-German/L2-English Complimenting"

A. Sch., "Germanisms in British and American English in the 20th and 21st century: a corpus-based study"

K. H., "Growing up with two languages. A case study"


V. D., " "Linguistic Representations of Women in American English: A Corpus-Based Study"

Y. Y., "A Corpus-based Study of Near-synonyms ‘Whole’, ‘Total’, ‘Complete’, and ‘Entire"


S. D., "Deixis in Email and Chat"

M. D., ""Sumfing verey pecooliar"- A Linguistic Study of the Chelmsford Accent"


I. M., "The Importance of Extra-Linguistic Factors on Code Switching"


K. S., "Online-words: Formation, Institutionalization, Productivity"

M. P., "Anglicisms in German Radio Ads"


J. V., "The Influence of English on the Czech Language"

K. K., "New Zealand English in Tourism"

B. P., "The Concepts of English HOME and German HEIMAT – a Cross-cultural Study"


S. B., "Motivation, Institutionalization and productivity of New Words or New Word Elements"


E. M., "Form and Function of English Borrowings in German Advertisements"


E. L., "Is spoken English really so different from written English? An empirical study of formal and informal text samples"


S. K, "Interviewing Children: A Linguistic Challenge to the Questioner"


A. S., "The Language of Diplomacy, with Special Reference to George W. Bush and his Administration"

Ch. S., "Legal English – The Language of the Law"

  1. Faculty of Languages, Literature, and Cultures
  2. Department of English and American Studies

Prof. Dr. Roswitha Fischer

Prof. Dr. Roswitha Fischer
Professor emerita

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