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Conferences & Invited talks

Conference Presentations ?& Workshops


  • Workshop: Studying children and adolescents in World Englishes: Rethinking paradigms and approaches. ISLE 6. online. (with Sarah Buschfeld & Mirjam Schmalz)


  • Automatic formant extraction in the study of vowels in New Englishes: A comparison of different methods. 24th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes. Limerick (with Philipp Meer)
  • The vowel system of Botswanan English: An acoustic-phonetic analysis using an automatic segmentation and formant extraction tool”. 24th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes. Limerick.
  • Automatic formant extraction. Methods used in the study of phonology and phonetics of New Englishes. Münster. (with Philipp Meer)
  • Collecting speech data in a Cameroonian Primary School. New Englishes, New Methods, Bochum.


  • Sociodemographics first!: A new perspective on modelling the evolution of Ghanaian English. 5th Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English. London, 16-20/07.
  • A new perspective on the evolution of Ghanaian English. International Congress of Linguistics 20. Cape Town, 02-06/07.


  • Workshop:?"Collecting and analysing diachronic data in World Englishes", ISLE?Summer School 2017:?Variation in World Englishes: advanced issues in theory and methodology, Regensburg, 05-08/10.
  • The future lies in the past – Diachronic approaches to the study of (post-)colonial Englishes, Simo Bobda International Symposium: Trends in English Language/Linguistics & Literature in an African & Global Perspective, Yaoundé, 05/04.


  • A real-time corpus-based study of the progressive in Ghanaian English. 4th Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English. Poznan, 19/09.

  • Workshop: "Diachronic Change in New Englishes" (co-organised with Robert Fuchs and Ariane M. Borlongan), 4th Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English. Poznan, 19/09.

  • A real-time analysis of lexical expansion in the Nativization phase of Ghanaian English. Sociolinguistics Symposium 21. Murcia, 16/06.

  • Lexical expansion in Ghanaian English: A real-time analysis. ICAME 37. Hong Kong, 27/05.


  • Lexical innovation in the early nativization phase in Ghanaian English: a corpus-based analysis. 21st Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, Istanbul, 08/10.

  • Lexical Innovation in the Nativization Phase of a New English. FJUEL 5.0. Bayreuth, 18/09.


  • Assessing the auditory and acoustic status of /t/ in three varieties of African Englishes: The case of Tanzanian, Ghanaian and Black South African English. 20th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes. Delhi, 20/12. (with Diana Gerhardt)
  • Compiling a historical written corpus of Ghanaian English: Methodological and theoretical considerations. 20th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes. Delhi, 18/12.


  • /t/-affrication as a marker of Ghanainness: An auditory and acoustic comparison with final /d/ and /ts/. International Conference on Language Variation and Change in Postcolonial Contexts. Salerno, 18/04.


  • An Acoustic-Phonetic Analysis of the Ghanaian English Vowel System. 18th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes. Hong Kong/Guangzhou, 06/12.
  • ?Assessing the Status of /t/ in Ghanaian English: An Auditory and Acoustic-Phonetic Analysis. 18th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes. Hong Kong/Guangzhou, 06/12. (wirhSebastian Schmidt)


  • The effects of dialect contact on the accent of Aberdeen. UK Language Variation and Change 8. Ormskirk, 12/09.


  • The effects of migration and dialect contact on the Aberdeen English vowel system. Accents 2009: III International conference on native and non-native accents of English. ?odz, 11/12.
  • The sociolinguistics of the Aberdeen vowel system. UK Language Variation and Change 7. Newcastle, 03/09.


  • The emergence of social varieties in Ghanaian English. Accents 2008: II International conference on native and non-native accents of English. ?odz, 12/12. (with Magnus Huber)

  • Resistance and innovation in the accent of adolescents in Aberdeen. AILA?2008 - The 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Essen, 28/08.
  • ‘You used to gerri’ in yer fishnets, now you only gerri’ in yer nightdress’: Regional and supraregional accents in English rock songs. The Thirteenth International Conference on Methods in Dialectology. Leeds, 04/08.
  • T-glottaling in adolescents in Aberdeen. Sociolinguistics Symposium 17. Amsterdam, 03/04.
  • ‘It’s jist, like, nae a posh language’: Migration, Dialect Contact and Constructions of Identity in Young Aberdonians. Copenhagen, 29/03.
  • Migration - Dialekt - soziale Identit?t: Ein Blick auf Jugendliche in Aberdeen. Workshop Sprache - Literatur - Migration. Gie?en, 16/01.


  • Language variation and social identity in adolescents in Aberdeen. UK Language Variation and Change 6. Lancaster, 12/09.
  • Accent variation in adolescents in Aberdeen: first results for the variables (hw) and (th). 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Saarbrücken, 06/08.
  • Language change in North-East Scotland: a study of HW-loss in adolescents in Aberdeen. 2nd Northern Englishes Workshop. Edinburgh, 15/03.
  • Change in a traditional Scottish phoneme: HW-loss in adolescents in Aberdeen. 16. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Sprache und Sprachen. Bochum, 12/02.


  • ‘Our pupils do NOT speak Doric, they speak Aberdonian!’: First impressions of a sociophonetic study of adolescents in Aberdeen. University of Aberdeen. Aberdeen, 02/10.

Invited talks and guest lectures


  • Sociophonetics Workshop. University of Yaoundé I, 07-09/03


  • The Diachronic Turn in New Englishes. Universit?t Bayreuth, 21.11.


  • Sociophonetics Workshop. Justus-Liebig-Universit?t Gie?en, 17-19/08.
  • Tracing structural nativization in a New English: Insights from the compilation of the Historical Corpus of Ghanaian English. Technische Universit?t Chemnitz, 06/02.


  • Designing a historic corpus of a 'New English': a case study of English in Ghana. Technische Universit?t Dresden. Dresden, 13/11.

  • The historic corpus of written Ghanaian English: an outline. Culture in Language: Language in Media, Variation in Research. Chemnitz, 18/07.

  • The interplay of Scots and English in Glasgow and Aberdeen: a sociophonetic perspective. Universit?t Siegen. Siegen, 17/01.


  • Student Fieldwork in Ghana. Culture in Language: Language in Media, Variation in Research. Chemnitz, 13/07.


  • Innovation, Conservatism, Confusion? Trying to Untangle Accent Variation in Aberdonian. Culture in Language: Language in Media, Variation in Research. Chemnitz, 02/07.


  • Urban Voices: The interplay of Scots and English in Glasgow and Aberdeen. “Schlüsselthemen der Anglistik und Amerikanistik / Key Topics in English and American Studies”. Gie?en, 22/04.


  • The Changing Face of Sociolinguistic Theory. Schlüsselthemen der Anglistik und Amerikanistik / Key Topics in English and American Studies. Gie?en, 25/06.


  • Jugendkultur, Medien und Sprachwandel: Konstruktion sozialer Identit?t durch Sprache bei Jugendlichen in Schottland. Gie?ener Kulturwissenschaften heute und morgen: Eine Ringvorlesung und r?umliche Zeitreise des kulturwissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses der Justus-Liebig-Universit?t Gie?en. Gie?en, 09/05.
  • ‘Fit like? - Arrah!’: Lehreransichten zum Gebrauch des lokalen Dialekts im Schulkontext. Ringvorlesung ‘Educational Linguistics - Neue Perspektiven’. Gie?en, 08/05.

Conferences organised


  • ISLE?Summer School 2017:?Variation in World Englishes: advanced issues in theory and methodology, Regensburg (co-main organiser)


  • Culture in Language:?Academic English, Variation in Research, Chemnitz (committee member)


  • ICAME?31, Gie?en (committee member)


  • Eight Creolistics Workshop, Gie?en (committee member)


  • Norms in Educational Linguistics: Linguistic, Didactic and Cultural Perspectives – Normen in der Educational Linguistics: Linguistische, didaktische und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Gie?en (main organiser)
  • Workshop Sprache – Literatur – Migration, Gie?en (committee member)


  • Seventh Creolistics Workshop, Gie?en (committee member)

Conferences attended


  • 22. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF), Gie?en


  • Dritte Arbeitstagung für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs in der Fremdsprachenforschung, Frankfurt
  • Sociolinguistics Symposium 16, Limerick
  • 28. Jahrestagung der DGfS, Bielefeld

  1. Faculty of Languages, Literature, and Cultures
  2. Department of English and American Studies

English Linguistics

Dr. Thorsten Brato

Dr. Thorsten Brato

Room PT 3.2.80

Office hour: please contact me by email to arrange a (Zoom) meeting