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Chair of Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification

Welcome to the Chair of Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification at the Faculty of Informatics and Data Science of the University of Regensburg.

The chair is dedicated to the analysis of data as a central resource for machine learning applications and as a decisice competitive factor and innovation driver in digital markets. Research focuses on the economic effects of AI-based systems, the strategic implications of data-driven business models, the interaction between humans and AI, the explainability and acceptance of machine learning methods, empirical data protection issues and the technical and economic regulation of artificial intelligence. The measurement of uncertainty and its impact on machine learning methods are of central importance in these reserach fields.


Open Positions

We are currently looking for student assistants to support us in research and teaching.

If you are studying at the University of Regensburg and are interested in working with us at the chair, please contact Andreas Schauer directly by e-mail.


  1. Faculty of Informatics and Data Science

Chair of Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification


+49 941 943-68508