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Study-accompanying IT training

SITA - IT for everyone!

Would you like to design your scientific work professionally?

Do you need basic programming skills?

Want to impress at your next presentation?

Then take a look at our diverse course program!

The Faculty of Informatics and Data Science offers all students a Study-accompanying IT-training (SITA) where participants will gain the necessary skills to professionally handle and design IT and media.

Content and Structure

Learning objectives

The training is modular and conveys study- and career-oriented key skills in dealing with in-formation and communication technologies and digital media design. Having successfully completed the Study-accompanying IT-training you will be able to?

  • choose the respectively suitable methods and tools for different IT-specific problems.?
  • appropriately use the tools needed for different task settings in your studies respectively later in your career.
  • efficiently solve problems thanks to the knowledge of suitable work processes and tools.?
  • decide how to adequately design different digital media respectively media products.?

Admission requirements

There are no admission requirements for the Study-accompanying IT-training (SITA)!?
As long as you are enrolled at UR, you are entitled to attend courses of the SITA - regardless of your course of studies and semester.

Modules according to the study regulations 2015

You attended your first SITA course in or from winter semester 2015/16? The study regulations of 2015 (in German) apply to you!?

The SITA is modular, i.e., structured according to different subject areas. There are eleven modules in total, where you can choose from a variety of IT courses.?
The modules RZ-M01 to RZ-M08 are primarily offers of the computer center. The modules RZ-M61, RZ-M62 and-RZ-M63 are imported offerings from other faculties.

(Elective) mandatory area?

  • Module RZ M 01 - Creating and Editing Text?
  • Module RZ M 02 - Analysing and Visualising Data?
  • Module RZ M 03 - Web Development and Web Design?
  • Module RZ M 04 - Algorithms and Data Structures?
  • Module RZ M 05 - Programming and Software Development?
  • Module RZ M 06 - Media-Aided Learning and Teaching?

Elective area?

  • Module RZ M 07 - Graphics and Image Editing?
  • Module RZ M 08 - Audio and Video Editing?
  • Module RZ M 61 - IT-Specific Offers from the Natural and Medical Sciences?
  • Module RZ M 62 - IT-Specific Offers from the Philosophy Faculties and Catholic Theology?
  • Module RZ M 63 - IT-Specific Offers from the Economic and Legal Sciences?

For more information, please refer to the respective module catalogue (in German).

Course programme

Would you like to get a quick overview of the IT training courses on offer in the current winter semester?

Then browse through our course programme brochure:



For further information on the courses (course description, dates, registration) please refer to the course catalogue "SPUR"/"EXA". Under the menu item "Offers for students of all faculties" (Angebot für H?hrer aller Fakult?ten) you will find the semester course programme of the IT training in modular order.

Test Achievements and Certificate


Test Registration in FlexNow for SITA-courses?

For all SITA-courses (recognizable by the course numbers beginning with "60") you have to register for the test in FlexNow.?

When you register for a test, you will automatically be shown all the modules in which you can enroll. Please consider in advance which module you would like to be enrolled in and choose the right one accordingly.?

The registration and deregistration periods for SITA courses run parallel to the course periods in FlexNow (see SPUR/EXA).

Please note: You will not receive ECTS points for courses that you book in RZ-ZL (voluntary additional achievements)!

Registering for Tests with other Faculties and the vhb?

For information on how to register for tests for courses offered by other faculties, please refer to the respective course descriptions in the university course catalogue system EXA.?

For courses offered via the Virtual University of Bavaria (vhb) (recognizable by the course numbers beginning with "61"), test registration is done directly via the vhb.

Accounting for the achievements

As soon as our IT lecturers have evaluated the tests of SITA courses, they send the results to the person responsible, which then posts the marks in FlexNow within the module you have registered for.?

You will be notified of the grade via automated email and can view the result in FlexNow as of now.

Recognition of the achievments

If you would like to have courses from your main degree programme recognized as part of SITA, please send a FlexNow printout in PDF format clearly showing your achievements to: support.sita@ur.de.

If you would like to have recognized courses that you have completed at another university or the Bavarian Virtual University (vhb) as part of SITA, please send an e-mail with your digital certificate in PDF format and a written assurance that you will not submit the certificate to any other teaching institution for booking to: support.sita@ur.de.

Failure to do so may result in consequences under examination law.

If you have not received a certificate digitally, but in paper form, please send us the original by post:

University of Regensburg
Computer Centre
For the attention of Mrs Manuela Schmalenstr?er
Universit?tsstra?e 31
93053 Regensburg

Please make sure to provide the following information for all requests:

  • Name
  • Matriculation number
  • Degree programme
  • Examination regulations
  • Course title, course number, course semester
  • Desired RZ module position to be booked


Required scope of achievements for the acquisition of the IT certificate?

To obtain the IT certificate, you must have three fully completed RZ modules, at least two of which must be from the (elective) mandatory area (2015 version: modules RZ-M01 to M06).?

To successfully complete a RZ module, as a rule two courses of 3 ECTS points each must be attended and passed, of which at least one course must have a grade. If both courses are graded, the module grade results from the average of the two performances.?
Exceptions: Modules RZ M61, RZ M62 and RZ M63 - no grading is required in these modules.?

In addition, there are some courses that have a scope of 4 semester hours per week and a value of 6 ECTS credits.?

With the graded passing of such a course, a module is also considered to have been fully completed.

Application for the IT certificate?

As soon as your achievements have been completely recorded in FlexNow, you can apply for the issuing of the certificate informally by email via support.sita@ur.de.?

Please enter your name, your matriculation number, your course of studies and the examination regulations under which you are studying.?

The IT certificate is an official certificate with a seal and signature. Please note that the certificate can only be issued to you once and allow sufficient lead time for the issue.


Stay up to date via our social media channel

The SITA is also active on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/sita.uni.regensburg/) and in the Uni Now app (https://uninow.de/) to keep you informed about the current semester course programme, registration and deregistration deadlines and remaining you of available places.

Therefore, please subscribe to our channel: @sita.uni.regensburg

Support and Team

Contact persons

Questions about individual courses?

If you have any questions regarding the content or organization of the individual courses (time, room, type of test etc.), please contact the respective lecturer directly.?

The contact details of the IT lecturers from the SITA and the lecturers from the faculties and institutions can be found in the university course catalogue system EXA directly under the respective course information.

Administrative & organizational requests?

For administrative and organizational matters relating to the SITA, such as the recognition of course certificates, rebooking and IT-certificates, please contact our support team by email at support.sita@ur.de, stating your details (full name, matriculation number, course of studies and examination regulations).

Personal consultation?

For personal counselling on the study-related IT training or special in-depth matters, you are welcome to contact Manuela Schmalenstr?er, the coordinator of the study-accompanying IT training, by email during the following weekly consultation hours:

Thursdays 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., Zoom meeting?and meetings on request

The SITA team

Coordinator of the SITA

Manuela Schmalenstr?er M.A.

Office: Building RZ, Room 01.03
Phone: +49 941 943-4160

Consultation Hours: Thu. 10-11 a.m., Zoom (registration by email required) and meetings by request

SITA Course Guidance

Email: Support.SITA@ur.de

Teacher for special tasks / SITA

Roland Holzer, Dipl.-Des. (FH)

Office: Building RZ, Room 0.07
Phone: +49 941 943-4869

Current courses

Teacher for special tasks / SITA

Christoph Pfeiffer M. A.

Office: Building RZ, Room 0.07
Phone: +49 941 943-4950
Email: Christoph.Pfeiffer@ur.de

Current courses

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register for SITA courses?

Registration for participation in the courses will take place via the student portal "SPUR" in the new course catalogue system "EXA" from winter semester 2021/22!?

A login with your computer centre account (RZ account) in the menu bar on the top right is required.?
Click on the wine-red field "Show university course catalogue" to go to "Courses open to students from all faculties" and then to "Study-accompanying It-training".?

The introductory text is followed by the course programme in both module catalogues, broken down according to the new study regulations (= for students from WS 2015/16, i.e. the vast majority) and the old study regulations, and here again subdivided into (elective) mandatory and elective areas.

Clicking on the respective RZ modules (e.g., Modulkatalog - Module Catalogue - Additional Offer - Study-acconpanying It-training - from WS15/16 (new study regulations) > Mandatory Modules: Modules RZ-M01 to RZ-M06 > RZ-M01 gültig ab WS2015/16 - Texte erstellen und gestalten (Creating and Editing Texts) opens another drop-down menu in which the individual courses of the module are listed chronologically by course number.?

Please note: In the module, courses may be differentiated according to 6 or 3 credit points.?

When selecting a course (e.g., RZ M01 > 60113a: Flyers, Posters, booklets and Master's Thesis - Design and Image Editing), further course information (basic data with registration period, course content, mandatory requirements, proof of academic achievement; course dates, modules etc.) is displayed.?

Here you can register for the course within the deposited course registration phase.?
Following the registration phase, course places will be allocated via an automated selection procedure, and you will be notified of your allocated status by email.

To which module does the SITA course belong?

In the university course catalogue, the modules in which the respective course can be in-cluded are shown in the course description of each course under the section "Mod-ules/Courses of study".?

Course 60110a - Microsoft Word Basic Course?

Allocated modules:?

  • RZ M01 (study regulations 2015)?
  • RZ M11.1 and RZ M12.1 (study regulations 2009)?
  • RZ ZL (voluntary additional achievements) => please note: there are no ECTS points for the voluntary additional achievements

Do I have to complete the SITA?

As part of your IT training, you are free to attend as many or as few courses as you like. You can view a balance sheet of your currently booked IT achievements in FlexNow at any time and generate a printout.?
Please note, however, that the official IT certificate, which certifies the completion of the IT training, can only be obtained if you have completed at least three modules in full, at least two of which must be from the mandatory area (RZ M01-RZ M06).

Will the SITA courses also be accepted for my studies?

The respective importing study course and the "Prüfungsamt" (examination office) of your main study course decide on the recognition and value of IT training courses.?

For more information, please contact the examination office of your main study course.

For study courses assigned to the Humanities Examination Office ("PA Phil"), please refer to the relevant website (in German) for information on achievement recognition!?

Do the study regulations from 2009 apply to me?

If you completed your first course at SITA up to and including the summer semester 2015, the "old" study regulations (in German) from 2009 still apply to you!?

The training is divided into a (elective) mandatory area and an elective area, with each of these areas consisting of three main topics. Three modules are offered per thematic focus.?

A module usually consists of two courses and is completed with an examination or by passing partial module examinations.?

To obtain the IT certificate, you must have three fully completed RZ modules, at least two of which must be from the (elective) mandatory area (modules RZ M11 to RZ M33).?

For further information on the contents and requirements of the modules, please refer to the respective Module Catalogue for Study-accompanying IT-training (in German).

What is behind the additional services (RZ-ZL)?

When does it make sense to register in FlexNow for a course in the RZ-ZL (additional voluntary examination achievements)?

The name “zus?tzliche...Leistungen” (“additional...achievements”) says it all: Here you register all courses that cannot (no longer) be placed in an RZ module.

An RZ module (e.g., RZ-M01) is complete with 2 courses of 3 ECTS (or 1 course of 6 ECTS). If you want to register for another course from the RZ-M01 module in FlexNow, then choose the ZL.

There are no ECTS credits for the courses booked under the ZL - so always register for all courses that you want to include in the elective area of your degree program in FlexNow in the relevant RZ modules and not under the ZL.

Any more questions?

Student advisory service "Study-accompanying IT training"

SITA Support Team

Email: Support.SITA@ur.de

Coordinator of the SITA

Manuela Schmalenstr?er?

Remote consultation hours Thu. 10 - 11 a.m., Zoom meeting (only after prior registration by email) and meetings on request

Email: Manuela.Schmalenstroeer@ur.de

Faculty of Informatics and Data Science