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Postdoc: Joanna Moszczyńska

Joanna M. Moszczyńska, PhD (born 1986 in Olsztyn, Poland) joined CITAS at the University of Regensburg as a postdoctoral researcher in October 2020. During this time she developed a successful application with the DFG Walter Benjamin Programme, enabling her to take up a postodoctoral position here from October 2022 at the Institute of Romance Studies. Between March and September 2022, she was a Junior Fellow at MECILA - Maria Sibylla Merian Centre “Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America” (BMBF), in S?o Paulo.

From January 2016 to December 2018 she was a doctoral student at the DFG-funded (German Research Foundation) International Research Training Group Between Spaces at the Institute for Latin American Studies at Freie Universit?t Berlin. She was acting manager of CITAS in May-June 2021, covering for parental leave.

In 2020 she defended her doctoral thesis on representations of the Holocaust in Jewish-Brazilian literature after 1985. She developed an interest in memory cultures and Jewish literatures in Latin America during her interdisciplinary master’s degree at the Institute for Latin American Studies at FU Berlin (2012-2015).

She has been developing her focus on Brazil her Master (Magister) degree at the Institute of Iberian and Ibero-American Studies at the University of Warsaw (2005-2010).

She has been a member of the editorial board of the peer-reviewed journal CROLAR, Critical Reviews on Latin American Research since 2018. She co-edited the book Giros espacio-temporales: Repensando los entrelazamientos globales desde América Latina (Berlin, Tranvia), which was published in 2019.

Joanna Moszczyńska, is the recipient of the 2021 European Brazilian Studies Association (ABRE) Prize for outstanding doctoral dissertations (ABRE Prize 2021). She defended PhD thesis, A memo?ria da Destruic?a?o na escrita judaico-brasileira depois de 1985: Por uma literatura po?s-Holocausto emergente no Brasil ?(Memory of the Shoah in Jewish-Brazilian Writing after 1985: Towards a post-Holocaust literature in Brazil), at Freie Universit?t Berlin. It is scheduled to appear in book form in spring 2022 with Peter Lang Verlag.

From March 2022, Joanna is on leave from CITAS, taking a six-month fellowship with MECILA - Maria Sibylla Merian Centre “Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America” (BMBF) in S?o Paulo. In October 2022, she will return to the University of Regensburg as a postdoctoral researcher in a DFG-funded Walter Benjamin Program.

Contact: joanna.moszczynska@ur.de
Tel: +49 941 943 5966
Room: SG.216


26-28 October 2022

Conference | Latin America and East-Central Europe: Comparisons, Bridges, Entanglements

Doctoral Workshop: Feminist and Gender Theoretical Approaches in Research (February 2022)


Since Oct 2022 Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Romance Studies, University of Regensburg, funded through the DFG Walter Benjamin Programme
March 2022 - August 2022 Junior Fellow at MECILA - Maria Sibylla Merian Centre “Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America” (BMBF), S?o Paulo
Oct 2020 - Feb 2022 and Sept 2022 Postdoc at the Center for International and Transnational Area Studies (CITAS), University of Regensburg
Jan 2016 - May 2020

Doctoral researcher in the field of Latin American Literatures and Cultures at the Institute for Latin American Studies at Freie Universit?t Berlin.

Dissertation: Memória da Destrui??o na literatura judaica-brasileira depois de 1985: Por uma literatura pós-Holocausto emergente.?
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Susanne Klengel und Jun.-Prof. Mariana Maia Simoni.

Between January 2016 and December 2018: Member of the DFG-funded International Research Training Group Between Spaces at the Institute for Latin American Studies at Freie Universit?t Berlin

Research stays in Brazil (S?o Paulo, Rio de Janeiro), Mexico (Mexiko City) and Columbia (Leticia, AM).

Oct 2012 – Dec 2015

M.A. in Interdisciplinary Latin American Studies at Institute for Latin American Studies at Freie Universit?t Berlin. Specialization: Brazil in the global context.

Master thesis: Memória do Holocausto e identidade judaica na autofic??o judaico-brasileira: Diário da queda de Michel Laub e Antiterapias de Jacques Fux”.

Semester abroad at Universidade de S?o Paulo.

Oct 2005 - June 2010

M.A. (Magister) in Luso-Brazilian Studies at the Iberian and Ibero-American Studies at the University of Warsaw.

Master thesis: “Identidade e conditio humana nos contos de Milton Hatoum A cidade ilhada”.

Year abroad at Universidade Nova de Lisboa.


Moszczynska, Joanna M. "Postmemory: The Holocaust and its Effects on the Lives of Brazilian Jewry“. In: Global Convivial Forum, Maria Sibylla Merian Centre Conviviality-Inequality Latin America (1.08.2022) https://mecila.net/en/18

Moszczynska, Joanna M. A memória da Destrui??o na escrita judaico-brasileira depois de 1985. Por uma literatura pós-Holocausto emergente no Brasil (Luso-Brazilian Studies: Culture, Literature and Audiovisual Media). Berlin: Peter Lang Verlag, 2022. ISBN (Hardcover) 9783631862315.

Lopez Rico, Natalia, Joanna Moszczynska und Horst Nitschack. “El Obvio Necesario Y El Papel De La Literatura: Entrevista a Michel Laub.” Revista de humanidades (Santiago. En linea), 45, 2022: 285–300.

Moszczynska, Joanna M. “Jewish Brazilian post-Holocaust fiction: The body as a source of polymorphous memory discourse in Cíntia Moscovich’s Por que sou gorda, mam?e? (2006)”. Latin American Jewish Studies, 1(1), 2022: 21-43.

Moszczynska, Joanna M. “The acts of writing oneself into Jewishness in recent Jewish Brazilian literature on the example of Jacques Fux’s Antiterapias (2012): autofiction and identity after the Holocaust”. Journal of Jewish Identities, 15(1) 2021: 59-75.

Moszczynska, Joanna M. "As porosidades do campo literário nacional: a emergência da literatura pós-Holocausto no Brasil / The porosities of the national literary field: the emergence of post-Holocaust literature in Brazil.” Revista Odisséia 5(Especial), 2020: 85-105.

Hernández Suárez, Diana Marisol; Luis Aguirre; Carolin Loysa; Brenda Margarita Macías Sánchez; Joanna Moszczynska (Hg.). Giros espacio-temporales: Repensando los entrelazamientos globales desde América Latina. Berlin: Tranvía, 2019.

Moszczynska, Joanna M. “Nas águas do mesmo rio de Giselda Leirner: entrela?amentos transnacionais femininos na escrita do Holocausto”, in Diana Marisol Hernández Suárez et al. (Hg.), Giros espaciotemporales: Repensando los entrelazamientos globales desde América Latina. Berlin: Tranvía, 2019: 189-208.

Moszczynska, Joanna Malgorzata. “Clarice Lispector e a latente escritura do desastre”. Arquivo Maaravi, 11(21), 2017: 85-105.


Moszczynska, Joanna M. “Mapping the affective spaces of Eastern Europe in García Márquez’ Travel Writing”. Textos Híbridos, 9(2), 2022.

Moszczynska, Joanna M. ?Fremde K?rper, Migrationsgeschichten und kollektives Trauma im zeitgen?ssischen lusophonen Roman“. In: Berit Callsen et al. (Hg.), K?rper/Grenzen – Fremde/K?rper: Migration, Exil und Grenzerfahrung in der Romania. Peter Lang Verlag, Oktober 2023.

Moszczynska, Joanna M. “Deslocamentos corporais no romance lusófono contempor?neo (A Gorda (2016) de Isabela Figueiredo e Por que sou gorda, mam?e? (2006) de Cíntia Moscovich)“. In: Janek Scholz und Jasmin Wrobel (Hg.), O relógio da vida n?o anda para trás: gravidez, doen?as, idade e o corpo-cron?metro. Frank und Timme, Frühjahr 2023.


  • Memory Cultures in Latin American
  • Holocaust in Latin American Literatures
  • 20th/21st-century Brazilian Literature
  • Postcolonial Theory and Criticism
  • Autofiction and Autobiography
  • Literary Reportage and Travel Writing

DFG Project

The current DFG-funded project by Joanna Moszczyńska, "Literary Journalism in the Cold War: Affective Structures of Transperipheral Solidarity in Images of Thought between Ryszard Kapu?ciński and Gabriel García Márquez", explores aesthetic and socio-politically oriented interconnections and resonances between the work of Ryszard Kapu?ciński and Gabriel García Márquez in the context of the 20th century conflict between the USA and the Soviet Union: the Cold War. The project locates this conflict in its transnational dimension, taking into consideration its significant political, cultural, social, and ideological effects on the satellite countries of the Soviet Union as well as on the Global South. The two authors became contemporary witnesses of the global Cold War and addressed it primarily in literary-journalistic texts. García Marquez's documentary narratives on the countries of the Eastern Bloc and Kapu?ciński’s reportages and reflexions on Latin America convey ideas about socialism(s) and are involved in the affective processing of experience through the representation of socialist spaces and the encounter with the Other. By elaborating a philological and cultural studies approach to socialist feelings, following “structures of feeling” by Raymond Williams (1977), the project focuses on images of thought (Denkbilder) that are affectively attuned to lived historical moments. It further aims to uncover certain affinities – thematic, structural, generic – between the works of the two authors as they raise social and political issues relevant to the Cold War period. The project contributes to the transnational history, or historie croisée, of the intellectual Left as well as to literary genre studies (crónica, reporta?, literary/narrative journalism).?

The project is aligned with an interdisciplinary and transregional research agenda, which is one of the main focal points at the University of Regensburg represented by DIMAS and CITAS, as well as the European-American focus of the Leibniz ScienceCampus. The methodological approaches of cultural studies and regional studies elaborated here make it possible, with a comparative transnational awareness and an intercultural sensitivity, to examine the aesthetic and formal developments in the hybrid field of literary journalism as well as the forms of coexistence, or conviviality (Costa 2019) in the 20th century, marked by inequalities, violent politics and idealistic hopes and disappointments, in a global perspective that includes Eastern Europe and Latin America.


Vorstand | BoardProf. Dr. Anna Steigemann and Prof. Dr. Rike Kr?mer-Hoppe

Gesch?ftsführung | Manager: Dr. Laura Niebling

Sekretariat | Secretary dimas@ur.de
Tel. +49 941 943 5966

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