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DIMAS Area Studies Professorships

The images are taken from the profile of UR Area Studies from the Research in Bavaria portal

As part of DIMAS, the Department for Interdisciplinary and Multiscalar Area Studies, the University of Regensburg has appointed six professors with a broad range of regional and disciplinary expertise. The professors are based in four faculties of the University of Regensburg.

Prof. Dr. Anne Brüske - Professor for Spatial Dimensions of Cultural Processes - Faculty SLK

Prof. Dr. Astrid Ensslin - Professor for Digital Cultures and Communication

Prof. Dr. Rike Kr?mer-Hoppe - Professor for Transnational Norm Development - Law Faculty

Prof. Dr. Timothy Nunan - Professor for Transregional Cultures of Knowledge - Faculty PKGG

Prof. Dr. Anna Steigemann - Professor for Sociological Dimensions of Space- Faculty PKGG

One further professor will be announced in due course.

Three positions were initially held by acting professors (Vertretungsprofessuren) on from October 2020 to strengthen and expand area studies-related research and teaching.

The DIMAS Area Studies Professors are offering the following courses in the 2023 Summer Semester


  • ? Les néo-québécois ha?tiens et leur production culturelle ? : Die Verhandlung lokaler, nationaler und transnationaler Identit?ten in Québec
  • Postkoloniale und dekoloniale Theorie


  • Introduction to Literary Media
  • Videogames Across Cultures
  • ChatGPT & Co.


  • Climate Change: Action and Law in the Global South and Beyond the West | DIMAS and Leibniz ScienceCampus Lecture Series
  • Climate Change Law and Litigation
  • EU Fundamental Rights
  • Menschenwürde
  • Staatsorganisationsrecht mit integrierter Abschlussklausur zur Anf?ngerübung


  • The Cold War: A Global History
  • Colonization and Decolonization in Eastern Europe, Southeastern Europe, and Eurasia
  • Hannah Arendt


  • Global Cities, Local Spaces? Introduction Lecture to Urban and Spatial Studies
  • Rich Regensburg? A First Empirical Introduction to Social Questions and Challenges of Our University Town
  • Sociological and Spatial Studies Theories and Methods for Area Studies: A Hands-On Workshop for Doctoral Candidates



Department for Interdisciplinary and Multiscalar Area Studies | UR
Vorstand | Board: Prof. Dr. Anna Steigemann and Prof. Dr. Rike Kr?mer-Hoppe

Gesch?ftsführung | Manager: Dr. Paul Vickers

Sekretariat | dimas@ur.de
Tel. +49 941 943 5966