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Economic Ethics

Economic Ethics

  • Bachelor, study phase 2
  • Winter semester
  • Lecture and tutorial
  • Teaching language: German
  • GRIPS-site with more information: click here


  • Basics of Normative Ethics: Virtue, Deontological, and Teleological?Ethics
  • Basics of Positive Ethics: Morality and intuition
  • Moral decision-taking of the individual (determinants and restrictions of moral behavior, selfish justifications, lies and deception, trust and reciprocity)
  • Moral decision-making within organisations (group effects, hierachies, discrimination, fairness perception, profit maximization, whistleblowing)
  • Ethics and institutions (judgment?of market results, pareto-efficiency and welfare theorem, egalitarianism, capabilities approach, competition and corruption)
  • Ethics and institutions (Arrow's Theorem, aggregation of preferences, mechanism design)



... gain insights into theories and empirical applications of economic ethics.

... evaluate economic contexts in light of different theories of ethics.

... develop and justify visions of responsible action in companies.

... reflect critically on their own role as economic actors.

... identify and analyze moral dilemmas using specific case studies.

...?learn to use theoretical and empirical findings on moral behavior as a basis for recommendations on institutional design.


Written exam (60 minutes) - 100%

  1. Faculty of Business, Economics, Management Information Systems
  2. Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und ?konometrie

Chair of Economic Psychology and Ethics


Prof. Dr. Florian Engl

E-Mail: florian.engl@ur.de

Phone: +49 941 943 3259

Office: RW(L) 4.11

Office hours: by arrangement