Fakult?t für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin |
Institute of Plant Sciences |
Cell Biology and Plant Biochemistry |
Dr. habil. Karina van der Linde - Short CV |
January 2025
Feststellung der Lehrbef?higung and award of the degree of "Doctor habilitatus (Dr. habil.)" by the Faculty of Biology and Preclinical Medicine, University of Regensburg. Research area: Cell biology. Title of the habilitation thesis: "Signaling mechanisms during defense and development in maize (Zea mays) -- Signalwege in der Maisblütenentwicklung und -immunit?t".
Since August 2017
Scientist at University Regensburg, Department of Cell Biology and Plant Biochemistry (Regensburg, Germany).
August 2013 until July 2017
Postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University, Department of Biology, Walbot Lab (Stanford, CA, USA).
Fixed term year-to-year contract. August 2013 until July 2015 financed by a Leopoldina Postdoctoral research stipend.
June 2012 until March 2013
Postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Department of Organismic Interaction, research group of Dr. Gunther D?hlemann (Marburg, Germany).
Financed by a Max Planck Postdoctoral research stipend.
June 2007 until December 2007
Research assistant at University of Osnabrück, Department of Plant Physiology (Osnabrück, Germany).
January 2008 until May 2012
Ph.D. at the Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Department of Organismic Interaction (Marburg, Germany). Member of the international Max Planck research school. Supervisor: Dr. Gunther D?hlemann.
Doctoral degree “Doctor of natural sciences (Dr. rer. nat.)” awarded by the Philipps-University Marburg. Title of the Ph.D. thesis: “Funktionelle Charakterisierung von Wirtsgenen in der Ustilago maydis – Mais-Interaktion”.
October 2005 until May 2007
Master in “Biology of cells” at the University of Osnabrück (Germany).
Title of the Master thesis (Department of Plant Physiology): “Molekulare Eigenschaften einer cytosolischen Aldolase-Isoform aus Arabidopsis thaliana”.
October 2002 until September 2005
Bachelor in “Biology of cells” at the University of Osnabrück (Germany).
Title of the Bachelor thesis (Department of Plant Physiology): “Redox-Modifikation cytosolischer Aldolase-Isoformen als Regulationsmechanismus in Arabidopsis thaliana”.
Cell Biology and Plant Biochemistry
University of Regensburg
Universit?tsstra?e 31
93053 Regensburg
Phone: +49 (0)941 943-3006
Fax: +49 (0)941 943-3352