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Huber group

Welcome to the Huber group at the University of Regensburg!

Many of the fundamental laws and unexpected phenomena in condensed matter physics are caused by extremely fast dynamics of electrons and ions on the femtosecond time (1 fs = 10-15 s) and terahertz frequency scale (1 THz = 1012 Hz). Unravelling such ultrafast processes is the main interest of our research. We develop next-generation, high-intensity femtosecond laser sources and THz technology, and employ them to explore novel femtophysics.

Click on the images above or check our Research page for more information on our current work.

Latest News


Behind the veil of nothingness: Coverstory in Nature Photonics

In close collaboration with the group of Dominique Bougeard and with Cristiano Ciuti (Université de Paris), we managed to switch off deep-strong light-matter coupling much faster than a cycle of light. Our breakthrough provides a very unusual glimpse behind the virtual photon dress of electrons, which helps unravelling the nature of vacuum fluctuations. In the future, even chemical reactions or superconductivity may be triggered merely by abrupt modification of the quantum vacuum.

The results are reported in Nature Photonics.... more


Twist-tailoring Coulomb correlations

In a collaboration with the groups of Ermin Malic, John Lupton, and Janina Maultzsch, we resolved the internal atom-like structure of excitons in a stack of two atomically thin monolayers of WSe2. Merely by changing the stacking angle, we find a drastic renormalization of the binding energy and lifetime as well as a highly tunable exciton-exciton interaction. These results pave the way for tailoring novel phases of matter in a broad range of van der Waals heterostructures.

Press release (idw) in German

These results have been published in Nature Communications.... more


Full Professorship for Christoph Lange at TU Dortmund!

Congratulations to Christoph Lange who has just started a new chair entitled "THz spectroscopy" at the Technische Universit?t Dortmund, beginning April 1, 2020. In his new group, Christoph will pursue new directions of THz cavity quantum electrodynamics on the subcycle scale. We wish him all the best for a successful start and look forward to continuing our successful collaboration!... more


Best Lecture Award

Successful conclusion of the winter term 2019/2020: Our lecture on solid state physics has been awarded with the Best Lecture Award of the Faculty of Physics.

Image: Fabian Mooshammer (tutor and stand-in lecturer), Rupert Huber (professor), and Dominik Peller (tutor and stand-in lecturer) ... more


Quantifying nanoscale near fields

We can now quantify the electric field distribution in the vicinity of an oscillating tip of a near-field microscope, which is a crucial prerequisite for performing quantitative nano-tomography and for expanding the limits of the lateral resolution.

The results are reported in ACS Photonics.... more

For more News from our group, please click here or on the menu item on the left.

Funding agencies

Our group regularly receives funding from national and international research agencies. Among them are:

The German Science Foundation

with funding for SFB 1277, as well as smaller grants (HU1598) and major instrumentation

The European Research Council

through several grants, including ERC grant 101071259 (Orbital Cinema), ERC grant 305003 (QUANTUMsubCYCLE) and ERC grant 681379 (SPRINT)

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

with several current and past fellowships, including funding for N. Nilforoushan

The German Federal Republic and the Free State of Bavaria

funding the Regensburg Center for Ultrafast Nanoscopy according to Art. 91b Abs. 1 Satz 1 GG

Social Media

If you want to stay updated on our latest News and Breakthrough Science consider following us on LinkedIn:?Huber group


June 2024
Coverstory in Nature Photon.

May 2024
Publication in Nature

July 2023
Launch of the ERC project Orbital Cinema