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International Students

In the course directory you can find a list of courses offered in the current semester.


See "Courses taught in English" under "Englischsprachiges Lehrangebot Fakult?t für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin"

Please note! The level of courses that are taught in English are for Bachelor students in their 3rd year and for Master students. Courses that are suitable for Bachelor students in their 1st or 2nd year are taught in German and international students need German language skills at least at the level B2.

If you need help finding a suitable course or if you have any questions please contact the program coordinator: elisabeth.brunner@biologie.uni-r.de

General information for exchange students you can find on the Homepage of the International Office of the Universtity here!


Lectures (2 SWS* = 3 CP) last for a whole semester (term). At the end of the lecture a written or oral test has to be passed.

If you want to make the test, please inform the lecturer ahead of the test that you are an exchange student, as special regulations may apply for visiting students.

If you pass the test you earn 3 credit points (CP). Please ask the lecturer to issue a certificate of the passed test.

In seminars (2 CP) students prepare and give an oral presentation to a specific topic. The topic for which you will have to give a talk you arrange with the instructor of the seminar. For the oral presentation you earn 2 credit points (CP).

Practical lab-courses can be visited the whole year and are usually offered for three weeks or longer.?

Just contact the person in charge of the lab-course, ask for a possibility to participate in the course and arrange the date and duration.

For one week practical course you earn 2 credit points (CP), for two weeks 4 CP, and so on. To earn the CP, a report has to be written.

If you visit an accompanying seminar, in which you prepare and give an oral presentation, you earn two CP for the presentation.

*Semesterwochenstunden (SWS) = contact hours in class per week in a semester.

Leistungspunkte (LP) = Credit points (CP); one credit point is equivalent to 25-30 working hours of the student which includes contact hours in class plus hours spent for homework.

  1. Fakult?t für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin
  2. Faculty Research
Bio Neubau 02

Universit?t Regensburg
Universit?tsstr. 31
D-93053 Regensburg

93040 Regensburg